If not working for then, just check whether your fragment is inside the activity and you gave the correct theme to that activity. And add this theme in to your activity and remove the the style u gave to edittext in ur layout. Just make a new theme like - colorcontrolactivated will be the answer to ur question. ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(_PARENT, _CONTENT) Tried to add view programmatically but no success AppLinearLayout appLinearLayout = (AppLinearLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.some_id) ĮditText editText = new EditText(new ContextThemeWrapper(getContext(), R.style.AppTheme_Cursor)) Please suggest how to resolve this issue. Info windows can provide additional context to a marker. Change the color value by java code when page loads (in onViewCreated). You can customize your markers by changing the default color, or replacing the marker icon with a custom image.Find the attribute which is controlling that color value.I have two options to encounter this problem : I do not know, which attribute is overwritten by my value. This code is working fine for >=android 5.0 I have tried to develop a demo project, where the same code is working fine. I am trying to change EditText cursor pointer color (from the primary color blue to white), but no solution is working for my project.